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How to Create a Video Assignment

Create The Video Questions

From the Create Set select the "file, text, website or video" button. Video1
In the Add Context window select YouTube and search for a video or paste in a url of a video on YouTube. Video2
Click select on the video you want to use and QuestionWell will fetch the transcript. Video3
Once you have selected a video to use hit the Save button in the bottom right. Video4
Now check that you have all the other inputs set to your choosing and click Create Interactive Video. Video5



Select the Questions and Generating Assignment



On the left hand side of the screen you will see the video at the top. From there you can select the gray raindrop shape under the video to jump to a question. The selected question will be highlighted in blue. 

Below is the transcript for the video. The yellow highlights show where the questions are in the video. You can highlight a part of the transcript to generate a new question about that part of the video or write your own. 

On the right side you have your Comprehension, Discussion and Vocabulary sections. In the comprehension section you can select your questions to include in the video. 

When you are finished selecting questions hit the Assign button at the top of the Comprehension tab. Then select Generate Code in the window that opened up. Your 6 character Assignment Code will appear along with a unique QR code and a link to the student assignment.


Next select Generate Code in the window that opened up. Your 6 character Assignment Code will appear along with a unique QR code and a link to the student assignment. 



Assigning the Video Quiz

There are 3 ways to share the quiz with your students.

1. Share the link to the Video Quiz with your students.
2. Have the students scan the QR code.
3. Have students go to and enter the 6 character code.

