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How to Import into Moodle

Once you press Export and select Moodle from the window...


The GIFT file will automatically download.

Next, follow these steps:

or follow our description of them below:

Use the Questions link in the course administration and select the import tab.


In most versions of Moodle it is also possible to get to this screen (produced by ../question/import.php) while editing an existing quiz.




  • Select import tab

  • Select the question type to import

  • General: pick the category, determine if the context and category information that maybe contained in a GIFT or XML file should be used.

  • Select what should happen if there are no grades or an error is detected in the import process.

  • Determine the file to import

    • Import from file upload. Use the browse function to import a file from your computer. Use the "Upload this file" button to import the questions.

    • Import from file already in course files. A popup window will take you to the course files start page. Use the "Import from this file" button.